Workout Upgrades with Easy Training Tweaks

Men's Fitness
Upgrade Your Workouts
Build more muscle, burn fat, and perform better with these simple training tweaks.
Sometimes you can do everything right and still get it wrong—and we're not just talking about your relationships with women. If you're an experienced gym guy who keeps track of his nutrition and works consistently at building a better body, you've no doubt made a lot of progress already, but we'll bet you also can't shake the feeling that you could be doing better. Here, we've laid out five ways you can take what you're already doing and elevate it to the next level. They require minimal extra effort or time but may be the solutions you've been waiting for. Take the conventional barbell back squat, arguably the greatest exercise ever. It builds muscle, athleticism, and bone density, and even boosts flexibility and testosterone levels. Perfecting your technique can be as simple as squatting onto a box. More >
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