Strip the Fat From Your Frame

Men's Fitness
The 7% Body-Fat Diet
Strip the fat from your frame with this eight-week plan.
We estimate that the average weightlifting guy walks around at about 15% body fat. This is well within healthy levels, but it's not going to turn many heads on the beach. (Reminder: Beach abs are carved in winter.) To look that good, you need to get below 10%—the point at which most guys can see some definition—and preferably as low as 7%. That seems to be the magic number associated with adjectives like shredded, diced, and genetically gifted (haters always gon' hate). The plan is simple: six-pack, 7%, eight weeks. Let's go. If you're already working out and in decent shape, you're probably halfway to 7% body fat—hovering at around 15%. We're going to take you through the other half of the journey. (If your body fat is currently higher, that's Ok. We can't promise you'll get to 7% in eight weeks, but you may cut your number in half.)   More >
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