Mark Wahlberg: The Fighter at Rest

Men's Fitness
Mark Wahlberg: The Fighter at Rest
Twenty years ago, a hotheaded street tough from Boston began his long bout for Hollywood superstardom. Now, the perennial A-lister may finally be ready to lay down the gloves.
It all began with the fists. He was little, in a dark place, and bad people wanted to beat him—maybe kill him, he didn't know. There was only one chance to get out: Fight. And that was only a chance. But there had to be something else, too. How did he survive before he was old enough to use those fists? Simple: He smiled. As a child, he had a charisma that could even quell his mother's blind rages. A laugh as quick as his fists would become. And he learned to use that weapon with as much effect as a blow to the face. Then, in those long, exhausting days when even the smile wouldn't disarm the enemy—gang members, drug dealers, police officers were all around—and the fists weren't strong enough, there was one last bastion for the ninth of nine children in an Irish-Catholic family against the cruelty of that working-class world: the sanctuary.   More >
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