The Best Full-Body Muscle Workout Ever

Men's Fitness
The Best Full-Body Muscle Workout Ever
Make huge gains with this time-crunching total-body routine.
Full-body workouts sound like they would take a long time. But when you boil down the exercises you need to perform in order to cover every area, there are only three you need to be concerned with—a push, a pull, and a squat. This is the ultimate in minimalism and works superbly for beginners or people who are short on time. Any kind of pressing exercise will train your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Any pulling movement (a row or chinup variation) recruits your back, rear delts, biceps, and forearms. Squatting movements (and deadlifts, which aren't quite a squat but require all the same muscles) take care of the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Even your calves get some stimulation as they help to stabilize your squat. Your abs, of course, get worked on all these movement patterns, provided they're done with free weights rather than machines, and work to brace your spine throughout. More >
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