11 Reasons You’re Not Losing Even One Pound

Men's Fitness
11 Reasons You're Not Losing Even One Pound
Going full-force at your weight-loss resolution, but not seeing results? Here's what you could be doing wrong.
Losing weight is no easy feat, but it's even harder if you don't know what you are doing wrong in your failed attempts to get lean. But we can help—we asked experts to weigh in on the nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle factors that could be causing the scale to tip in the wrong direction. Reason No. 1: You're not doing intervals. Long breaks between sets or steady-state cardio don't do your body any favors when you're trying to lean out. Instead, use intervals—periods of intense training (high reps or maximum effort) with short periods of rest in between— to increase your routine's fat-burning potential. "It will burn up more calories, break the monotony, and will get the metabolism going," says Jim White, R.D. Fire up your fat loss fast with even more advice, after the jump. More >
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