Eat It to Beat It: What's Really in Your Food?

Men's Fitness
Eat It to Beat It!
In an exclusive excerpt from his new book, Men's Fitness consulting editorial director David Zinczenko answers the question: What's really in our food?
Imagine if waiters told you the truth about your dinner order. They'd probably start like this: "Hi, folks! Thanks for dining with us tonight! We've got some delicious specials for you. Our featured pizza comes on dough built partially from plastic foam; topped with human hair, duck feathers, and the desiccated abdomens of beetles. And, as always, your meal comes with a chef's selection of more than half a dozen chemicals that are only suspected of causing obesity, hyperactivity, asthma, cancer, and diabetes!" Wait, can this all be true? As more Americans become health-conscious, marketers have become even more savvy at finding ways to force-feed us things that can make us fat, without our even knowing. You can follow any diet plan out there, but unless you know exactly what's in your food, no diet is really going to make a difference, at least not in the way you'd hope. Not until you learn how to Eat It to Beat It! More >
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