Dump the Junk from Your Fridge

Men's Fitness
Dump the Junk from Your Fridge
If you've been living on pickles and lunchmeat, it's time for a kitchen overhaul.
Growing up, your fridge was probably always stocked with staples like milk, cheese, yogurt, pickles, and on and on. Problem is, if you haven't smartened up about the contents of your kitchen, these everyday eats could explain why you can't seem to drop those last five pounds, or why your doc has suddenly taken an interest in your blood pressure. If you've been living on the following foods, it's time for a kitchen overhaul. Throw out the junk and replace it with healthier alternatives. Deli slices may seem healthy enough, but they're usually packed with added salt and nitrates, which have been associated with a higher incidence of cancer. Stock this instead: Fresh chicken breasts and turkey meat. By making these switches, you'll be on your way to packing on more muscle, cleaning out your arteries, and getting the abs you train for in the gym every day. More >
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