Deep-Six These Six Foods from Your Diet

Men's Fitness
Deep-Six These Six Foods from Your Diet
They may taste good, and appear somewhat harmless, but if you value your health, step away from these chemical-laced, high-sugar foods.
Your diet is an incredibly powerful thing. As you've adapted yours, you've most likely seen positive changes in how you look and feel. On the flip side, you also know what your body feels like when it's running on chemical-laden, high-fat foods. And while you generally know what to avoid, some of the worst offenders aren't so obvious. That's why we've enlisted the help of New York City-based dietitian Tanya Zuckerbrot M.S., R.D., who's helped us compile a short list of foods that should never make it past your lips. Chicken is an excellent source of protein, making it one of the best muscle-building foods. But once you toss that baby in a fryer, you turn a fat-burning all-star into a waistline-expanding food that will put you at risk for serious heart problems. More >
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