The New Rules of Goal Setting

Men's Fitness
The New Rules of Goal Setting
The best way to fulfill your 2014 fitness resolutions may be to not set them in the first place.
You already know how to set a New Year's resolution. But you also know what usually happens about a month later. "One hundred and sixty million people in the United States make New Year's resolutions every year," says Brian Grasso, a Montreal life coach and former trainer to elite athletes. "But only 8% achieve them. That's about half the country setting goals and less than a tenth of them getting what they want." If the old-fashioned "damn the torpedoes" science of goal setting were effective, more people would be making good on their resolutions. But clearly that's not the case. It's time to try it a different way. The best way to fulfill your 2014 fitness resolutions may be to not set them in the first place.   More >
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