Total-Body Kettlebell Workout

Men's Fitness
Total-Body Kettlebell Workout
This routine combines the benefits of dumbbell training with high-intensity cardio to help you build muscle, increase power, and get lean—all in just a few sessions
Kettlebells—cannonball-like weights with thick handles—were the weapon of choice for Russian lifters more than a century ago. Over the years, American lifters have been incorporating them into their regimen, as well. The weights offer all the benefits of dumbbell training, plus a few more. The super-thick handles challenge your grip, and the position of the weight in relation to the handle works your core extra hard. Best of all, kettlebells are versatile. They're ideal for explosive exercises that work major muscles, burn body fat, and build power, but they also add a new dimension to classic moves like chest presses and flyes. And you don't need a wall-length rack of them to get a great workout. One pair will suffice. Use them in the routine (after the jump) and you'll get the body you've always wanted. More >
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