Get the Body You Want with a Workout You Design

Men's Fitness
The Only Workout You'll Ever Need
Stick with this one simple training program that's guaranteed to work for as long as you use it.
If you've been training for a while, your goal isn't just to "get big" or "get lean" anymore. You're at the point now where you're noticing that some muscles just aren't coming in like other ones, and you want to refine your physique by working on your weak points and emphasizing certain hard-gain areas. This is what muscle building is all about—isolating muscles to carve the shape and look you want out of your physique. Today's program maps out exactly how to bring up the body parts you think are lagging, while giving you a template to build overall muscle strength. Customize the workouts as you like, and get the body you want at last. More >
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