The 20 Fittest Foods to Pile on Your Plate

Men's Fitness
The 20 Fittest Foods
Counting down the best foods to pile on your plate.
It's true. You really are what you eat. And that's why some days you end up feeling more like a cream-filled sponge cake than the lean cut of beef you aspire to. In order to build the body you want (the rock-hard abs, the lightning-quick brain, and the unquenchable libido) you need to make every bite of food you put in your mouth count. That means building your diet around the most potent, nutrient-dense, disease-fighting, muscle-growing foods around. We polled 40 of the country's top registered dietitians, college nutrition professors, and authors to help us rank the 20 most important foods every guy should include in his diet for maximum fitness. Read on to see how you can make your diet more fit. More >
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