Gain Muscle and Strength in 25 Reps

Men's Fitness
The 25-Rep Workout Routine
There is a magic number of reps for gaining muscle and strength. We found it!
If you've been lifting for a while, you've probably learned that there's no perfect number of sets and reps that works for everyone. Or is there? Some of the most effective muscle- and strength-building programs share a common trait—the total number of reps for the main exercises usually add up to around 25. Shoot for that number over the next four weeks and your gains will add up fast, too. How It Works: On your main lifts, keep the reps low and do enough sets to reach roughly 25 total reps. Usually, this provides the right combination of volume and intensity without any wasted effort. We'll show you how to vary the sets and reps each week. Here your first week's prescriptions: More >
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