Carve Out Your Abs in 15 Minutes

Men's Fitness
Carve Out Your Abs in 15 Minutes
Cut up a six-pack from every angle.
While a sound diet and consistent cardiovascular workouts will help reveal your abs, building the core muscles will make for an impressive midsection. By adding resistance and working your core from a variety of angles, you ensure that no part is left out. This workout can be done up to three times per week after your regular resistance- training sessions, and should take only 15 minutes. By targeting the abdominals from different angles, varying the resistance, and adding anti-rotational exercise, you will get a complete abs workout. This routine should be performed with four exercises in a circuit-style. Complete one set of each exercise, rest, then repeat the entire circuit three times. Aim for 12-15 repetitions per set, and rest only when all four exercises have been competed. More >
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