Build a Dominating Physique

Men's Fitness
Build a Dominating Physique
Be the alpha-male among your lifting buddies with denser workouts.
You can't deny it—part of the appeal of lifting weights and building muscle is to look and feel more powerful than the next guy. To be the alpha male among your buddies. But to do this, you have to be willing to work harder and more ferociously than they are. Today, we bring you a plan that's excerpted from the book Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha, written by Men's Fitness columnists John Romaniello and Adam Bornstein. It builds muscle, shreds abs, and streamlines your gym time, so you can rule the weight room and then get back to ruling your world outside it. In four weeks, you should be seeing the beginnings of a body that's evolved to the next level. More >
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