8 Amazing Fat-Burning Intervals

Men's Fitness
8 Amazing Fat-Burning intervals
Torch fat fast by giving one of these eight interval workouts a try.
If your goal is to burn fat, intervals better be part of your program. Besides being a quick method to getting in a great workout, intervals are extremely effective for transforming your physique. By incorporating intense periods of work with short recovery segments, intervals allow you to keep the workout intensity high while still maintaining form. The magic of high intensity interval training (or HIIT for short) lies in its ability to keep you burning fat even after you leave the gym. In short, your body isn't able to bring in enough oxygen during periods of hard work. Therefore, you accumulate a "debt" of oxygen that must be repaid post-workout in order to get back to normal. The result — your metabolism is revved for hours after you leave the gym.   More >
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