Build Shoulders Like 'Riddick’s' Vin Diesel

Men's Fitness
Get 'Riddick'-ulous Shoulders Like Vin Diesel
Make broad, powerful shoulders the cornerstones of your physique.
There are two secrets to building cantaloupe-size shoulders like Vin Diesel's, star of the new movie "Riddick" (in theaters today). First, go slow and don't hurt yourself. Second, make sure you develop the deltoids evenly, giving the rear head as much love as the front, which you're no doubt already pounding with pressing exercises. In eight weeks, you can correct any imbalances to get your shoulders worthy of a close-up. The program has two parts (Phase I and Phase II), each lasting four weeks. In both phases, you'll train shoulders only one day per week, so you can complete your other training on separate days (allow a day before and after chest training). Perform the warmup before each workout. More >
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