Bring on Big Muscle Gains With the 7-4-7 Method

Men's Fitness
Bring on Big Muscle Gains With the 7-4-7 Method
Bulk up by switching up your reps mid-set.
A great physique can be yours without spending hours in the gym. Want proof? The 7-4-7 method harnesses all the power you can muster by structuring your sets in perfect tandem with the weight you're using. The result? The body you always wanted without moving into your local gym. Don't worry, you can thank us later. A 7-4-7 exercise starts with seven reps using a moderate weight. Without rest, you'll increase the load (and sometimes tweak the exercise slightly) to knock out another four reps. Finish by lightening the load and completing another seven reps. Increasing the intensity mid-set means you recruit more muscle fibers in a wider range. This dual approach is a rarity in muscle-gain plans, and it makes 7-4-7 the right combination to unlock growth. More >
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